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Sekiro 2d

My latest game is a 2d platforming game based on the gameplay of the new From Software game, Sekiro. At first, I wanted to create a top-down version of Sekiro, but I realized that it would be too hard to make as the combat system of the premade top-down game was very different than the combat I was trying to do with Sekiro. I ended up starting with one of the preset platforming tutorials as the jumping mechanics and level design was already almost completely finished. I changed the sprites and created an attack and blocking animation for the main character and basic enemies. Splitting the animation into 5 separate pictures was challenging because I ended up guessing the sword angle instead of splitting the angle evenly for each frame. My work ended trying to add attack and hit hitboxes to the sprites so the combat system would actually work. This was challenging as the hitbox must include the sword which sticks out the normal sprite at many of the attack frames. This taught me a lo

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